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Pulls Plus Cabinet Kitchen Hardware Installation

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Hot Water When You Need It!

Dallas area STOP Waisting Water!

The average home with slow heating water will waste 2.5-3 gallons of water waiting for it to heat up.

When You Need It!

Dallas area STOP Waisting Water!

The average home with slow heating water will waste 2.5-3 gallons of water waiting for it to heat up.

*Includes Installation



Product description

Waiting for hot water at a sink located far from a primary heating source can be frustrating. Only having access to cold water from a sink is just not useful, and plumbing a hot water line to every sink in a home or business requires time and money.

To get hot water where it’s needed, when it’s needed, a better solution is to use the Hot Point: a point-of-use electric mini-tank heater. This heater can supplement a primary water heating source, or be used under a single sink.

Simply tap into the cold water line and install the water heater directly at the sink to provide hot water. Great for a wide range of locations!

Product highlights

  • Four (4) Gallon point-of-use mini tank fitues under most any sink.
  • 98% Thermal efficency.
  • Long Lasting Quality – Easy to maintain and has premium glass-lined material for a long service life.
  • Adjustable Temperature Range – Use the valve to set your max temperature from 65-145 degrees (F).
  • Compact & Lightweight – Can be installed on a wall, shelf, or floor.
  • Features a sleek and attractive design.
  • Three (3) Application – Sole water heating source, supplement an existing heater, and as a buffer installed in-line.

2 Year Limited Warranty

We are licensed, insured, and offer a 2 year limited warranty on the tank AND installation.

Customer Satisfaction

Locally rated #1 for Customer Satisfaction on Product Quality in the N. Dallas area.

Hot Water When You Need It

Provides hot water quickly at point of use and comes with temperature /pressure relief valve.

Invented for Life with ThermoTechnology

We Install For You!

We retrofit & redirect your existing under counter waterlines into our mini-heating tanks allowing you instant and continued hot water at the point of use.

Once you’ve made your purchase, simply schedule a date and time that works best for you allowing one of our experienced service installers to come out and set up your new unit.

*Includes Installation

Listen To Them

Customer Reviews

I can’t speak to the longevity yet but so far I should have put this in years ago. Instant hot water to the kitchen sink which is over 40 feet from the main hot water tank. With the plumbing running through the crawlspace I used to have to wait a minute or two for hot water. Not any more! 

-Jason S. (Home Owner)

I have used this water heater for over a month now, and I am very impressed. No more waiting 2+ minutes (and wasting 3+ gallons of water) to wash a few dishes. One of my biggest concerns when purchasing this heater was the “lapse” time from when this tank emptied to when the actual hot water arrived. We wash dishes 4-5 times per day (large family), and we have YET to experience this!

– Courtney H. (Home Owner)

I’m very happy with this. I was tired of waiting almost a minute for hot water to get to my kitchen sink and now it is instant. The PullsPlus guys had to quickly get a hook up from Home Depot to connect faucet hot water and dishwasher to the output, but it got done and it works great.

-Sherry N. (Landlord)

You Buy It, We Install It!


Never suffer having to wait for hot water again. Our electric mini-tank heating systems are designed to instantly supplement the primary water heating source for point-of-use application, eliminating the wait time for hot water.

It’s easy and affordable. After purchasing your tank, schedule your installation date and time after checkout and one of are licensed and trained professionals will arrive and take care of the rest.

*Includes Installation